EVERYONE is capable of change

It’s easy to assume that people have the tools but just lack willingness. But often the obstacles to change are inside – overwhelm, self-loathing, despair.... We need a few things to make change possible: tools, time, hope – and desire.
When addiction takes someone all the way down, the situation can look pretty hopeless. But we know people who feel just as hopeless even when things on the outside look pretty good. Regardless the struggle, finding how to enact change in our lives is a tremendous barrier.

Teach Hope
Optimism might be the most important recovery tool there is! At Choice Recovery Path, we know it can be taught – one choice, one little success at a time. Choice Recovery Path helps people build the tools they need to make changes in their lives.

Learn the Tools
We believe that many people, regardless of their education or skill level, need training and tools if they are going to do things differently.

We know that everyone is capable of living a life they can be proud of, but very few people can magically summon the resources to do that just by stopping old behavior. But we notice that when people have the tools and resources need, they are happy to do the work to improve their circumstances.