New Mexico Behavioral Health Providers Association, National Alliance for Mental Illness; New Mexico Counties 33 Strong, DWI affiliates of New Mexico; Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Mexico; Presbyterian Medical Services; City of Las Cruces Providers’ Association; New Mexico Leaders in Recovery, National Latino Behavioral Health Conference, Luna County Community Collaborative, NM Workforce Conference.
Partner State Agencies

Workforce Solutions, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Behavioral Health Services Division, Department of Health, State Opioid Response Grant, Bernalillo County, NM State Probation & Parole, Federal Probation & Parole, UNM, NM Crisis and Access Line

Behavioral Health Organizations

Santa Fe Recovery Center, Four Corners Detox Center, Courageous Transformations, Zia Recovery, Crossroads for Women, Krossroads, The Lifehouse, Mesilla Valley Hospital, Blue Sky Ranch, Serenity Mesa, Heading Home